Community Forum: Concussion in Sport from 13:00 – 14:30, followed by a Sideline Help (Introduction to Injury Prevention and Management) from 15:00 – 16:30 provided by SA Sports Medicine Association.
The Concussion forum has been redesigned with education of players, parents, coaches, team managers and committee members in mind. Our aim is to educate and reinforce to these groups the importance of correct concussion management and policy implementation. This has come directly from feedback from Accredited Trainers, about getting more support from your clubs to manage concussion correctly.
The Sideline Help is a great introduction in to a Sports Trainers Qualification and we will touch on the basics of injury prevention and management. Many of the concepts covered in the workshop can be applied to Sport Specific Examples.
More information and register: or email the names of the attendees to:
Registrations close Monday 9 November.